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Functional Characterization of Type-B Response Regulators inside the Arabidopsis Cytokinin Response1[W][OA]Kristine Hill two, Dennis E. Mathews, Hyo Jung Kim, Ian H. Street, Sarah L. Wildes, Yi-Hsuan Chiang, Michael G. Mason three, Jose M. Alonso 4, Joseph R. Ecker, Joseph J. Kieber, and G. Eric Schaller* Division of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 (K.H., H.J.K., I.H.S., S.L.W., Y.-H.C., M.G.M., G.E.S.); Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire 03824 (D.E.M.); Plant Biology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California 92037 (J.M.A., J.R.E.); and Division of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 (J.J.K.)Cytokinins play critical roles in plant growth and development, together with the transcriptional response to cytokinin becoming mediated by the type-B response regulators.Tacrine Purity & Documentation In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), type-B response regulators (ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATORS [ARRs]) form 3 subfamilies determined by phylogenic evaluation, with subfamily 1 getting seven members and subfamilies 2 and 3 every single having two members.Nikkomycin Z Antibiotic Cytokinin responses are predominantly mediated by subfamily 1 members, with cytokinin-mediated effects on root development and root meristem size correlating with type-B ARR expression levels.PMID:24914310 To ascertain which type-B ARRs can functionally substitute for the subfamily 1 members ARR1 or ARR12, we expressed different type-B ARRs from the ARR1 promoter and assayed their ability to rescue arr1 arr12 double mutant phenotypes. ARR1, as well as a subset of other subfamily 1 type-B ARRs, restore the cytokinin sensitivity to arr1 arr12. Expression of ARR10 in the ARR1 promoter final results in cytokinin hypersensitivity and enhances shoot regeneration from callus tissue, correlating with enhanced stability of the ARR10 protein compared with the ARR1 protein. Examination of transfer DNA insertion mutants in subfamilies 2 and 3 revealed small impact on many well-characterized cytokinin responses. Nonetheless, a member of subfamily two, ARR21, restores cytokinin sensitivity to arr1 arr12 roots when expressed in the ARR1 promoter, indicating functional conservation of this divergent fa.