Mal Drug Regimen and Combined Drug Therapy and Its Efficacy…Web page 17 of 28Fig. 5 Figure depicting S(t) under each combination of two various controls taken from U1 , U2 , U3 , UFig. six Figure depicting I(t) below every mixture of two diverse controls taken from U1 , U2 , U3 , UFig. 7 Figure depicting V(t) below each mixture of two distinctive controls taken from U1 , U2 , U3 , U16 Web page 18 ofB. Chhetri et al.Table six Table depicting the typical values with the susceptible cells and infected cells plus the viral load with respect to 3 control interventions administered at a time Drug combinationsU1 = U1 , U2 = 0, U3 = U3 , U4 = U4 U1 = U1 , U2 = U2 , U3 = 0, U4 = UAvg susceptible cells three.4761 ten five three.4760 ten five 3.4759 10 5 3.47510 five three.4717 10Avg infected cells 1.0711 10 3 1.08 10 3 1.0875 10 3 1.1876 10 3 1.5565 10Avg viral load 18.98 19.30 19.56 23.03 37.U1 = U1 == U2 , U 3 = U3 , U 4 = 0 0, U2 = U2 , U3 = U3 , U4 = U4 U1 , UU1 = 0, U2 = 0, U3 = 0, U4 =Fig.IFN-gamma Protein medchemexpress 8 Figure depicting S(t) below every combination of three various controls taken from U1 , U2 , U3 , U6.CD158d/KIR2DL4 Protein Synonyms four Three Drugs/Interventions Within this section we study the dynamics of susceptible and infected cells and viral load when 3 handle interventions are administered at a time. Figures 8, 9 and 10 depict the susceptible and infected population and viral load. In Table 6 the typical values with the susceptible cells and infected cells and the viral load with respect to 3 control interventions administered at a time are listed. From this Table six it might be observed that the combination of Arbidol, INF and Lopinavir/Rito navir (U1 = U1 , U3 = U3 , U4 = U4) reduces the infected cells and viral load the most beneficial in comparison with other combinations of drugs when administered, followed by drug com bination Arbidol, Remdesivir and Lopinavir/Ritonavir (U1 = U1 , U2 = U2 , U4 = U4).PMID:25040798 On the other hand, surprisingly the typical quantity of the susceptible cells are significantly less within the no control intervention case in comparison with any other case possessing three manage interventions.Optimal Drug Regimen and Combined Drug Therapy and Its Efficacy…Web page 19 of 28Fig. 9 Figure depicting I(t) below every mixture of 3 distinct controls taken from U1 , U2 , U3 , UFig. ten Figure depicting V(t) beneath every combination of 3 different controls taken from U1 , U 2 , U three , U6.five Four Drugs/Interventions In this section we study the dynamics of susceptible and infected cells and viral load when each of the four handle interventions are administered at a time. Figures 11, 12, 13 and 14 depict the susceptible and infected population and viral load. In Table 7 the typical values with the susceptible cells and infected cells plus the viral load with respect to all four handle interventions administered at a time are listed. From this Table 7 it could be seen that the mixture of all four drug interventions reduces the infected cells and viral load in comparison to the no intervention case. As in the three drug handle intervention case here also the typical quantity of the susceptible cells are much less within the no handle case when compared with all of the four handle case. Comparing the infected cells and viral load for all the achievable combinations of controls as described we observe that implementation of each of the four16 Page 20 ofB. Chhetri et al.Table 7 Table depicting the average values of the susceptible cells and infected cells and also the viral load with respect to four handle interventions administered at a time Drug combinations.